Dejo esto nota para informaros de los timos que hay de gente sin escrupulos por el mundo, que se quieren aprovechar de nuestra circunstancia de emigrantes y buscadores de piso en otro pais, para llevarse unos EUR, GBP o AUD a nuestra costa y de la forma mas rastrera posible.
En mi caso el tema empezo cuando me di de alta en la web . Hasta aqui todo bien (y no desconfio de la web), pero dentro de esta, hay gente que ven tu anuncio publicado e inmediatamente despues, te envian un email a tu correo para proponerte el alquiler de un piso (chollazos de casas y a un precio muy razonable y atractivo).
Mi sorpresa a contestar algunos de estos, es que tiene varias cosas en comun, como: No estan en ese momento en la ciudad por temas de trabajo o personales y posteriormente cuando muestras tu interes, te piden que lees envies tus datos lo antes posible para agilizar todo, proponiendo que lees envies un pago y ellos te enviaran las llaves y contrato por DHL, FEDEX o cualquier otra compañia de envio. Incluso te aseguran que te enviaran una copia de su pasaporte.
Al final mis sospechas se hicieron realidad, cuando compare varios emails de ellos y los vi redactados practicamente iguales... y a pesar de mi insistencia en querer quedar con ellos (tanto en UK como en Sydney o Melbourne para pactar "face to face") me tiraban "pelotas fuera"... solo insistian en que les enviasa mis datos para agilizar el alquiler y asi me reservasen la plaza lo antes posible.
Tengo constancia que ha mas de uno lo han conseguido timar, por eso os aviso y aconsejo, que antes de buscar un piso, vayais a visitarlo y ver que todo esta en regla y los primeros dias de estancia en el otro pais, busqueis un hostel (que estan a un precio razonable) y una vez alli, os movais en persona, para no llevaros disgustos innecesarios.
Os adjunto 2 emails que he recibido de supuestamente 2 personas diferentes, los cuales hablan por ellos mismos:
Email de "Cole":
Hello, Thanks for your swift response. I am only looking for someone who's tidy and clean so as to be able to maintain my apartment. I am presently in the UK (Manchester) but that won't deprive me for letting my house to you. I came here to stay with my wife after gotten married to spend some months with her. More so, I have already make all the necessary arrangement for the documents and the payment if i see anybody that is really very serious of renting and in which I would give you reference number to the FedEx office in Melbourne, here you would get the keys to my apartment, because without the reference number, nobody can get the keys except someone i give it to and i would be called to confirm first. Let me know what you think. Although I might not know the kind of person you are but I believe even knowing you before moving in doesn’t mean I would know if you have any bad behavior or something, it is just a matter of getting to know each other during the process of staying together. I would be expecting to read from you soon Cole
Email de "Lisa":
Hello Victor, Thanks for your swift response. I am only looking for someone who's tidy and clean so as to be able to maintain my apartment. I am presently in the UK (London) but that won't deprive me for letting my house to you. I came here to stay with my husband after gotting married to spend some months with him. More so, I have already make all the necessary arrangement for the documents and the payment if i see anybody that is really very serious of renting and in which I would give you reference number to the FedEx office, where you would get the keys to my apartment, because without the reference number, nobody can get the keys except someone i give it to and i would be called to confirm first. Let me know what you think. Waiting to read from you. Regards,LISA.
Gracias e ir con ojito compañer@s!!!
Pd. Donde podemos denunciar esto??